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Profa. Dra Leila da Costa Ferreira


Leila da Costa Ferreira is full professor of sociology at the State University of Campinas – Unicamp. She is member of the Superior Council of NEPAM- Unicamp. She is the representative of Unicamp WUN Global Challenges – Adapting to Climate Change. She is also a member of the Earth System Governance Project (IHDP). She was a Visiting Professor at the University of Texas / UT (1998) and Visiting Professor at the Top China Program at Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, China (Summer Course, July-August 2009). During her career, she received more than 30 researches grants and fellowships from the main research funding agencies in Brazil (FAPESP, FINEP, CNPQ and FAEPEX-UNICAMP) but also international funding agencies.

Current Researchers

Ana Paula Soares

Ana Paula Soares is PhD candidate of environmental and society Doctoral Program at State University of Campinas - Unicamp. She holds a master degree about science and cultural disclosure at Labjor/IEL/Unicamp (2015). She studied journalism at Methodist University of São Paulo (1986), specializing in scientific journalism by Labjor/ Unicamp (2011). She worked from 2004 to 2010 in the Institutional Communication Management sector of the National Institute of Space Research (INPE). From 2010 to 2014 she was responsible for the dissemination of knowledge and popularization of the science of “Climate Network” and INCT for Climate Change. Her current research “Socio-environemtal security in Brazil” aims to produz a better understanding of governance and social-environmental security at Brazil

Edson Pereira de Souza Leão Neto

Edson Pereira de Souza Leão Neto is PhD candidate of Environmental and Society Doctoral Program at State University of Campinas - Unicamp. He holds a master degree in sciences by the Sao Paulo University- USP (2017) and a degree in International Relations and Economics, both from FACAMP. He is interested about the field of Political Ecology, Environmental Sociology and the radical critique of industrialization. He has experience in the United Nations, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) (2010 and 2012) in the Division of Social Development, working in the area of ​​Latin American youth reality. In the last three years he has foucused his research on political ecology, specifically in the areas of radical criticism of industrial society, nature, society and anarchism.

Fabiana Barbi

Fabiana Barbi is Post-doctoral researcher of the Center for Environmental studies and research (Nepam) at State University of Campinas - Unicamp. Her current research is related to the climate changes policies in Brazil and China, focusing the mitigation strategies at the national and local level. She holds a doctoral degree in Environmental and Society (UNICAMP, 2013), a master degree in Sociology (Unicamp, 2002) and a bachelor degree in Social Sciences (Unicamp, 2002). She was visiting researcher at Sao Francisco University (2016), in the Advanced Studies in Social Sciences Institute of Fudan University, Shangay, China (2012) and also a visiting research at York University, Toronto, Canada (2005).

Felipe Bertoluci

Holds a bachelor degree in Social Sciences at State University of Campinas – Unicamp. He is studying for a Masters degree in Sociology at Unicamp. His thesis is about sustainability, sustainable consume and climate changes, under the supervise of Pr. Leila da Costa Ferreira. His current research project is named “The sustainable consume as a alternative to the environmental crisis”.

Giverage Amaral

Giverage Amaral is PhD candidate in Environmental and Society at State University of Campinas – Unicamp. He holds a master degree in Sociology at UFF (Universidade Federal Fluminense) (2014) and studied Sociology at Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique (2011). He has professional experience in the field of community development, social intervention, environment issues and market studies, taking party in different research projects at national and international organizations.  His main interests are the global environmental changes, environmental sociology and international affairs studies.

Izidro Justino Muhale

Izidro Justino Muhale PhD in Environmental and Society at State University of Campinas (2018). Master degree in Rural Sociology and Development at Eduardo Mondlane University (2012). He has experience on the Sociology, especially in rural studies.

Jaqueline Nichi

She is a PhD candidate in Environmental and Society at State University of Campinas – Unicamp, holds a master degree in Sustainability at University of Sao Paulo and bachelor degree both in Sociology and Social Communication. Her current research is about the technological uses for adaptation to the global environmental changes and social mobility.

Jefferson dos Santos Estevo

Jefferson dos Santos Estevo is PhD candidate in Social Sciences at State University of Campinas. He is currently researching the field foreign policy of climate negotiations both in Brazil and China. He holds a Master degree in International Relations at “San Tiago Dantas” Program (Unicamp, Unesp, Usp) 2012. In his thesis, he analyzed the Brazilian international policy during the Lula da Silva administration about the climate negotiations. He is bachelor in International Relations by Anhembi Morumbi University (2007).

Lisandra Zago

PhD in Sociology from the State University of Campinas - Unicamp, Master of History from the University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS and a bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the University Don Bosco - UCDB. His dissertation is "Economic and political strategies and the environmental consequences in China of Mao Zedong to the administration of Deng Xiaoping"

Luis Fernando de Freitas Penteado

Is PhD candidate in Environmental Society at State University of Campinas (NEPAM/ UNICAMP). He earned a master degree of Law from PUC-SP (2007) and bachelor degree of Law (2002) from PUC-SP. He has extensive experience in the area of Environmental Law working both as a lawyer and as an academic since 2006.

Mariana Delgado Barbieri

​Is PhD candidate in Environmental and Society at State University of Campinas (Unicamp/Nepam). Her currently research is on the relationship between environmental issues and the civil society in contemporary China. She holds a master degree of Sociology from Unicamp (2009), bachelor degree of Sociology and of Social Sciences (Unicamp/ 2006). She has worked in Sociology teaching for 6 years and holds a specialization in Higher Education (SENAC, 2014). She has been researching China since 2004.

Marília Giesbrecht

PhD in Environmental and Society at the State University of Campinas – Unicamp (2014). She holds a master degree in Sociology, at the same university (2005). In her thesis she researched about the interdisciplinary in the environmental studies field from the sociology of knowledge and environmental sociology perspectives. The dissertation was about the biodiesel policies in Brazil and the sustainability. Currently, she researches the approach between the social sciences and the global environmental changes especially the climate changes challenges.

Niklas Werner Weins

Ph.D. candidate in Environment and Society (NEPAM), MA in Technology and Society (PPGTE) from UTFPR, BA in Economics and Politics of East Asia from Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (2015) with research stays at Tongji University, Shanghai, China and UAM, Mexico City. Research focus: institutional arrangements, Payment for Ecosystem Services (PSA), inequality, institutional economics, environmental and social policies in China and Latin America.

Si Liu

​Earned a bachelor degree of Diplomacy in Portuguese language and Culture from Beijing Foreign Studies University (2012). She carried out an internship at Coimbra University (2011). Works at the Chinese Academy of Sciences as a researcher in the area of science policies, innovation and technology on Brazil. She is PhD candidate of Social Sciences at State University of Campinas where she is researching the atmospheric pollution and the risk perception in megacities.

Vagner Charles

Is a PhD candidate in Environmental and Society at State University of Campinas (Unicamp/Nepam). His currently research is about the climate change and its social-environmental consequences in Haiti from the local perceptions. He holds a Master degree in Education from Unicamp (2005) and a bachelor of Education in mathematic from Quisqueya University (Haiti, 2010).

Pesquisadores Anteriores



Alberto Matenhauer Urbinatti

Doutorando em Saúde Pública na Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de

São Paulo (FSP/USP), sob orientação do Prof. Leandro Giatti. Tem estudado

governança e políticas públicas em cidades, com enfoque em mudanças climáticas e

nexo urbano entre água, energia e alimentos. Atualmente é bolsista da Fundação de

Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), por meio do projeto

“Resiliência e nexo de sustentabilidade em contextos metropolitanos: sinergias

intersetoriais a partir de políticas públicas” (Processo: 2016/25375-5), a qual está

associada ao projeto temático ResNexus (Processo Fapesp 2015/50132-6). É Mestre

em Sociologia pelo IFCH/Unicamp também com bolsa da FAPESP. Estudou temas

como riscos, impactos e políticas associados às mudanças climáticas em

megacidades no Brasil e na China. Graduado em Ciências Sociais, com ênfase em

Sociologia, pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), tendo sido bolsista

de Iniciação Científica do CNPq de 2009 a 2010 e da FAPESP de 2010 a 2011.

Estevão Bosco

Estevão Bosco é sociólogo, mestre e doutor pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas

(UNICAMP), com período de pesquisa na Freie Universität Berlin (FU). Foi pesquisador-

colaborador do Departamento de Sociologia da UNICAMP, atualmente é pós-doutorando

junto ao Departamento de Geografia da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Seu trabalho está situado na teoria social crítica e circula na interface entre filosofia – especificamente,

pragmática formal, hermenêutica filosófica e fenomenologia social – e sociologia, com

interesse especial pelos seguintes temas: fundamentos filosóficos das ciências sociais,

cosmopolitismo, mundialização/globalização, pós-colonialidade e Antropoceno. Em sua tese de doutorado, intitulada “Por uma teoria social cosmopolita”, reconstruiu a resignificação sociológica da ideia filosófica de cosmopolitismo e seu uso teórico, metodológico e político-normativo. É autor do livro “Sociedade de risco: introdução à sociologia cosmopolita de Ulrich Beck” (2016, Annablume & Fapesp), de artigos em periódicos e de capítulos em coletâneas. É membro do Grupo de Pesquisa em Geografia Política e Meio Ambiente (GEOPO, FFLCH/USP) e do Núcleo de Pesquisa em Filosofia das Ciências Sociais (SOCIOFILO, IESP/UERJ)

Luiz Henrique Vieira de Souza

Luiz Enrique Vieira de Souza é professor do departamento de sociologia da

Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). Possui graduação em ciências sociais (2006)

e doutorado em sociologia pela Universidade de São Paulo (2012). Foi bolsista

DAAD na Technische Universität Berlin (2011), onde investigou temas relacionados

à sociologia clássica e à história da Alemanha. Desenvolveu pesquisa de pós-

doutorado em sociologia ambiental na Universidade de Campinas e, com o apoio da

FAPESP, realizou um estágio de pesquisa na Beijing Jiaotong University sobre as

políticas energéticas do governo chinês (2015).

Marcelo Fetz de Almeida

Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2012), com passagem pela The University of Mississippi, e Pós Doutor pelo Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (IFCH) da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2013); Pós Doutor pela Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (SSTIS) da University of Edinburgh (2014), com Steven Yearley. Professor do Departamento de Ciências Sociais do Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais (CCHN) da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Ufes). Interesso-me por temas nas áreas de sociologia do conhecimento científico, história da ciência (ciência romântica), teoria sociológica, epistemologia e metodologia das ciências sociais. Atualmente realizo estudo sobre a formação da Science Studies Unit (SSU) no ano de 1966 na The University of Edinburgh, buscando compreender o papel exercido por Conrad C. Waddington (1905-1975) na institucionalização da sociologia do conhecimento científico no contexto britânico dentro daquilo que denomino por momento de reformulação dos critérios de demarcação científica (de uma demarcação racional para uma demarcação social do conhecimento científico)

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